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Unified Medical Information System

RZD Medicine

We developed, implemented and built an integration with existing software
"Project partners: Digital pathology lab - Unim LLC, Queue management system - Qu-Systems LLC, Lab automation - Across-Engineering LLC, Electronic Clinical Pharmacologist - Sotsmedica JSC"

Project objectives
To implement a unified medical information system in a multi-branch clinics, to maintain a unified patient database, to comply with standard of medical care.

Private and public clinics, medical centers, general clinical medical personnel, administrative personnel (ex., statisticians, financial department).
What we have done
Collected data and information about the clinic
Conduct an audit of the existing software
Collected an information about the clinic’s business processes, data migration
Designed technical requirements to implement the project
Coordinated, received and implemented an access to the Customer's secure network
Installed a software at the Customer's facilities
Set up operations, provided an access to the system
Organized briefing for the staff
Developed technical documentation and training materials
Implemented the 1st, the 2nd and the 3rd lines of technical support

The results
Optimized healthcare data management
Provided branches of one clinic with unified database on all patients
Organized collection of data on doctors and departments performance
Standardized treatment processes within a multi-branch clinics
RZD Medicine
Purchasing system
Resource Center for Universal Design and Rehabilitation Technologies
Genetic data interpretation system