We are developing and implementing IT solutions for the Healthcare & Medicine

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Digitizing Ideas

EMSOFT is an IT company developing software for the Healthcare and Medicine
Our solutions developed by leading IT experts, based on knowledge about the industry and effective management.
Our Cases
RZD Medicine
Unified Medical Information System
RZD Medicine
Purchasing system
Resource Center for Universal Design and Rehabilitation Technologies
Genetic data interpretation system
Integration of the purchasing system with 1C
Radiological information system
Queue management system for hospital and clinics
Integration with existing software
Organization of virtual space
IT consulting and audit
Development of technical specifications
Customer systems support
We create medicine of the future

The basis for the a prosperous society is the quality of people's life. It is possible to achieve the necessary results by relying on modern technologies, innovations and expertise. Therefore, EMSOFT team has focused on building up its expertise in HealthTech.

The Emsoft company developed its own IT solutions for the Healthcare and Medicine, which are ready for the implementation in global markets.

Our Expertise
Development of software and services
Mobile applications and websites
Development of mobile applications and websites
IT Audit
An audit of the current infrastructure and assess customer's needs
Integration and support for third-party software
Promotion of IT products
SEO promotion, contextual advertising and other advertising tools
Creation of design concepts for corporate identity